Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 9/1/15

Year: 2015

Research Article


1. Management of the Economic Capacity of the Region on the Basis of Foresight (on the Example of Adygea, Russia)


2. Some of the Corruptogenic Factors of Environmental Legislation in the Russian Federation


3. Buddhist World in Global Context


4. Regularities and Development Trends of Agricultural Cooperation in Central Asia


5. Innovation and Marketing Activity of High Technology Companies in Business Management


6. The Evolution of Sustainability and Socio-Economic Functions of National Pension Systems


8. The Experience of Factor Analysis of Conditions for Human Capital Formation and Development in Regions of Russian Federation


9. Peculiarities of Forecasting Competitiveness of Innovations for Industrial Enterprises


12. Risk Management of Innovation Projects in the Context of Globalization


13. The Realization of Academic Freedom as the Basis of Assurance of Higher Education Quality


15. Theoretical Models of Buddhist Economy

Conference Paper

16. Estimating a University Brand in the New Economic Conditions: Concept, Principles, Technique


17. Problems of Implementation of Principles of Social Justice and Economic Efficiency in the Mechanism of Charging Personal Income Tax (PIT) in the Russian Federation


18. Comprehensive Approach for Evaluating the Potential of the Stavropol Agricultural Territory


19. Synchronization of Processes Related to Economic Activity with Stages of Development of Spatially-Organized Systems


20. Transboundary Succession of Business: Problems Related to Practice


21. Social Benefits and Economic Security


22. The Formation of Indicator Framework for Effective Assessment of Investment Attractiveness of the Region


24. Risk Management Problems of Microfinance Institutions


26. Assessment of Level of Risk in Decision-Making in Terms of Career Exploitation


27. Higher Education Institutions Grading: Administrative and Support Personnel


29. Tendencies and Regularities of Russian Regional Transport Systems’ Development


31. Social and Labor Adaptation of People with Disabilities by Means of Production of Items of Folk Art: Evidence from Sociological Study


32. Determinant Analysis of Public–Private Partnership in Russia


33. Financial Planning at Small Construction Enterprises at the Formation Stage


35. Business Angel Investment in Russia: Problems and Prospects


37. Provision of Global Economic and Energy Security in the Context of the Development of the Arctic Resource Base by Industrialized Countries


38. The Study of the Cycle of Packaged Tours from the Primorsky Territory


40. Theoretical Issues of the Formation of the Industrial Policy of Enterprises


41. Assessment of Interaction between Banking and Real Sectors of the Economy Based on the Convergence Effect


42. Problems of the Formation and Development of Diaspora Business in the Regions of Western Siberia


43. The Prospects of Ecologically Clean Farming Production in the Cross-Border Areas of the Great Altai


44. Introducing Government Contracts to Technology Forecasting


46. Socio-Cultural Code as a Factor of Unity and Variability of Generations